Audition dates are Friday, December 29th and Saturday December 30th at 7 PM at the Grange, performance dates will be mid-March


The Velocity of Autumn
By Eric Coble

“The Velocity of Autumn swirls around Alexandra, a 79-year-old artist in a showdown with her family over where she’ll spend her remaining years,” press notes state.

In Alexandra’s corner are her wit, her volcanic passion and the fact that she’s barricaded herself in her Brooklyn brownstone with enough Molotov cocktails to take out the block. But her children have their own secret weapon: estranged child Chris who returns after 20 years, crawls through Alexandra’s second floor window, and becomes the family’s unlikely mediator.

No sooner are the words ‘Hi, Mom’ uttered than the emotional bombs start detonating. The Velocity of Autumn is a wickedly funny and wonderfully touching discovery of the fragility and ferocity of life.

Directed by Robert Hall
Two Actors needed –
Alexandra (mother in her 80’s) – Actress 50 to 85 years
*Chris (Son 40’s) – Actor or Actress 30 to 60 years
*Encouraging Women to Audition for Chris. This part can be played by a woman or a man. Explanation at audition.


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