Writer’s Roundtable is a monthly event where writers have the chance to be with fellow writers for presentations, conversation and writing. All are welcome. The Writer’s Roundtable occurs on the second Saturday of each month from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Public Library.

Facilitated by JoEllen Moldoff, this year’s series starts with a presentation by Dr.. Alexandra Gayek, “The Power of Self-Disclosure in Healing.”

Moldoff says, “Start the new year off with a burst of positive attention to yourself! This session
with Dr. Alexandra Gayek will include an experiential exercise in moving yourselftoward youth and vitality through writing. Others have found it incredibly useful in getting themselves turned around from concerns about aging and illness toward optimism and health.”

Dr. Alexandra Gayek is a Naturopathic Physician on Orcas who specializes in mind-body wellness.

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