Saturday, May 9, 1 – 4:30 p.m., Orcas Senior Center

— from Dennis King —

When the diagnosis is Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia, grief doesn’t wait for death. Grieving can begin in the doctor’s office when patients and families receive confirmation of illness. Over a span of what may be a decade, multiple losses associated with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia become a pervasive part of everyday life for millions of patients, their families and friends. After the death, survivors’ grief may be complicated by the nature of a lengthy disease process that has changed their relationship with the deceased.

Lahari and Hospice Foundation of America will present The Longest Loss: Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia, a 2.5 hour video that, though of a combination of candid, compelling interviews and live, in-studio discussion, experts will identify how family, medical and social service professionals can best help patients, families and themselves cope with loss and grief associated with these progressive illnesses.

The program will conclude with a 30 minute live panel discussion with Hospice, Alzheimer’s and dementia support providers from our community. Please join us at the Orcas Senior Center on Saturday, May 9, from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m.

Three hours of Continuing Education credits are available for a wide range of professions. For more information visit the Lahari website at