Saturday, Nov. 9, from  1-3 p.m. at the Public Library

This month’s Writers Roundtable will focus on the theme of FOOD, in anticipation of the holiday season.

“Love, satisfaction, trouble, death, pleasure, work, sex, memory, celebrations, hunger, desire, loss, laughter, even salvations: to all these things food can provide a prelude; or comfort after; and sometimes a handy substitute for. It often seems food is a metaphor for most anything, from justice to joy. Perhaps too easy of a metaphor—sometimes food is just food. Still, there is nothing like food and drink to remind us of life’s pleasures, sating far more than hunger.” —Kevin Young

Join fellow writers for an afternoon of reading and writing about food, in poetry and prose (short fiction, recipes, essays, memoir). Share your favorite books/authors on food, as well as your own work in progress.

All are welcome!

From JoEllen Moldoff

This Is Just To Say
by William Carlos Williams

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold