Alexa doing what she loves and will be  making her profession

Alexa doing what she loves and will be
making her profession

By Madie Murray, Farm to Cafeteria Committee Chair

Alexa Cuthbert is graduating this year and we will miss her terribly!  She has been such an amazing asset to the Farm to Cafeteria program, and she is leaving us with many lasting memories of F2C events.  She found her passion and is making it her profession as she goes out into the real world.  We wish her all the best always.

Her last project for the Farm to Cafeteria Program was our Student Chef Competition which she turned into two exciting videos!

•• Elementary School Division ••
•• Middle School/High School Division ••

According to Alexa, “I did something different this year and applied an ‘Iron Chef’ theme to it for fun. I wanted to top myself from the year before, and I believe that I did!”

She always did.

All of the YouTube videos she has done for us over the past three years may be found on our web site at

We know she cannot be replaced, but we’re hoping there is another budding videographer out there somewhere who would like to “cut their teeth” on doing videos of F2C events as Alexa did.

We’ll miss you so much, Alexa!!