Wednesday, March 21 at Orcas Center Stage at 10 a.m.

By Sue Lewis

Graham Kerr – Author, TV Star & former ‘Galloping Gourmet’

On March 21 the Garden Club will bring you Graham Kerr, the former “Galloping Gourmet” on television, who had cooked just about everything edible there was to cook. But he had never actually grown anything he ever cooked. Now a Washington resident, for the past few years he has taken on growing his first kitchen garden and it has been a mind-changing experience! Food has never tasted so good and the effort has never been so rewarding. Join Graham as he recounts his conversion to growing his own delicious, nutritious produce.  The meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 21 in the main theater of Orcas Center at 10 a.m.

Graham Kerr is an internationally known culinary and television personality. He has aired over 1,800 programs with broadcasts in the U.S. and internationally. One of his first shows, ‘The Galloping Gourmet,’  brought the art of creative cooking alive to countless television audiences from 1969 – 1971 and made Graham Kerr a household name.  He has written over 25 books, with 14 million copies sold.  Following our program, he will be signing his 2011 book called “Growing at the Speed of Life” that Darvill’s Bookstore will provide for the event.

Graham is a very knowledgeable and funny guy…  he is almost 80 now, still cooking and now gardening.  He exhibits an abundance of enthusiasm for the kitchen garden he began when he and his wife Treena moved to Mount Vernon several years ago.  Since then he has been  working on his goals of increasing people’s daily serving of healthy fruits and vegetables, reducing portion sizes and making school lunches more delicious and nutritious.  Another highlight is Graham’s passion for feeding the hungry on a local neighbor-to-neighbor basis.  The program he has created, the EGGS Carton Club, is very similar to Orcas’ own Food Bank and Farmer’s Market.  Eat more plant foods, Grow more edible plant food, Gather together to serve the plants, Share potential abundance – EGGS.

Join the Orcas Island Garden Club and the Orcas Island Public Library for this fun and informative presentation on March 21 at 10:00 a.m. in the Orcas Center main theater.  Admission is free for Garden Club members, $10 for non-members.  For further information go to