A good time was had by all!

A good time was had by all!

— by Madie Murray —

The weather might have been a little nippy, but it didn’t dampen the spirits of those enjoying the fresh cob oven pizza and wonderful music happening in the school garden last Sunday!

Thanks to those who came and contributed to our indiegogo fundraiser “Edible Eats and Education” efforts at the party, we are $313 closer to our goal which we need to reach in order to receive the matching dollars from our private donors…we just have $4,000 to go!

There are only 10 days left to reach our goal.  If you haven’t donated yet and were just waiting until the time was right, NOW’S THE TIME!  Click on this link https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/edible-eats-and-education/x/4414053 and donate now, because it’s all over by November 30.

To those who have already contributed, our deepest heartfelt thanks!!!  For those who are still contemplating…Please click here and 500 kids will thank you!