— by Lin McNulty —

GO 'HAWKS! What else is there to say!? Photo: Suzana Roach

GO ‘HAWKS! What else is there to say!? Photo: Suzana Roach

It was a moment full of sunshine, spread not just by the rays out of the sky, but beaming from the faces of 12th MAN Seahawk fans who gathered in the parking lot on Friday (at 12:12) at The Lower Tavern to show their support of their beloved Super Bowl-bound team.

The big game, being played against the Denver Broncos at The Meadowlands in New Jersey, is on Sunday at 3:30 p.m. Pacific Time. Weather at the stadium is predicted, at this time, to be 48 degrees and cloudy, with Westerly winds (which should help to carry Seattle crowd noise to the stadium) at 5-10 mph. Later in the evening, after the game, snow is expected.

If you are looking for a local spot to watch the game with like-minded fans, The Lower Tavern, Rosario, and SeaView Theatre will all be televising the Super Bowl, along with many living rooms on the island.

County Council Chair Rick Hughes video recorded the photo-op to send a shout-out to Eagle County, Colorado, where a wager of local goods has been placed on the outcome of the game. (See Orcas Issues story.)

The point spread is practically too close to call, with some venues favoring the Broncos (best offense in the NFL) and others the Seahawks (best defense in the NFL). I personally predict one of the most exciting Super Bowls ever played (for whatever my opinion is worth)!

