Contributed by Krista Bouchey of the Funhouse

During the Teen Night Meeting last Wednesday, June 23, we opened up the discussion with our proposed questions:

  • Do parents see teen night as a safe option?
  • If not, what can we do to make it safe and appealing?  Check in/out system?
  • Lock in?  Do teens see teen night as safe and fun?
  • How do we get them involved?
  • Is the current middle school policy working?
  • Should parents be more or less involved in teen night?  How can we get them to participate?

Additional concerns that were brought up were:

  • The Funhouse being used as an ‘alibi’ location while teens actually went elsewhere
  • drug and alcohol use during teen night hours.

Ideas generated at the meeting that we are considering implementing include:

  • a check in/out system accompanied by parent contact information
  • a parent/teen contract or first time registration to ensure that teens and parents are all in agreement to the rules at the Funhouse
  • more extensive lighting around the building

We will also be encouraging more parent involvement/volunteers and more activities to engage parents and teens.

To contact the Funhouse,  go to or call 376-7177.