— from Lisa Steckley for 376Tech.com

One for One

Don’t re-use passwords. Rule number 2 to keep the data doors locked. Why? The bad guys know we have a bad habit of re-using passwords. The sites we use those passwords on have a bad habit of getting hacked. The crooks have programs that try hacked passwords on hundreds of sites quickly. You see the problem. If you have re-use your password it won’t take them long to find the sites you use and get into your account.

If they don’t get in with the simple brute force, others take the time to target you directly. They do not know how big of a fish you are until they get in. In their mind, you are worth the effort. They have many ways to profit off your email, accounts or computer, even if they don’t get to the bank account.

For the bad guys, it is a numbers game. Passwords sold from hacks bring cents each. Verified passwords bring much higher prices. Sell either a few million times? A good day for the bad guys.

Tech Tip: Don’t be the low hanging fruit. Each site needs a unique, long password.

For fun- check out this collection of sites that have been hacked: https://haveibeenpwned.com./PwnedWebsites

This is only a partial list. There a plenty more that do not tell us they lost our data because it is bad for business!