— by the Tech Talk Team, David Johnson and Lisa Steckley —

As a regular feature in Orcas Issues, this column will explore and simplify the mysterious and frustrating world of technology that sometimes seems like it has taken over our lives. From computers to phones, tv’s to routers, software to hardware — we will explore this promising as well as vexing world. Our goal is to build your confidence in technology, increase your self-sufficiency (yes you can) and help keep you safe and secure (yes we can).

Tech Talk Tip:

– The IRS will not call you.

– Microsoft and Apple support will not call you- unless you call them first requesting technical support.

– “Emily and Amy” (automated calls) are not your friends.

– Just hang up and move on.

– And if the “bank” is calling, hang up on them as well and call your local branch.

And speaking of scam calls: Never give out your personal information on the phone and try not to say the word YES during the call. “Why,” you ask? Because the bad guys can record that YES and use it to prove you accepted whatever they are offering.

In our next article we will discuss the difference between Privacy and Security in the computer world.

Dave & Lisa
360-376-TECH (8324)

376Tech, your local computer support team, believes that everyone can understand their technology. This column will explore all sorts of topics to educate and inform. Visit www.376tech.com for more information. If you have topics that you would like discussed, please let us know.