In the tech world you hear these two terms a lot. What is the difference? Lets us an analogy (which we will do a lot in this column)- privacy vs. security in your home. In your house, privacy happens when you close the curtains, outsiders cannot see what you are doing. Security happens when you lock the door.

Related to your technology, privacy is keeping “what you do”, like which internet sites your look at, to yourself. Security, is keeping your personal information (passwords, documents, contacts, email, etc.) locked up and out of the hands of the bad guys.

Who cares about what you do enough to invade your privacy? The big money in the internet world is collecting and selling details about what you do when you are on the internet. Who collects this info? Thousands of companies because it is very lucrative. Who buys this info? Lots marketing departments in companies and bad guys. They have learned that watching what you look at and what you click on shows them what you will respond to. Colors you are attracted to on line, what fonts you tend to like, along with subjects you are interested in are collected and analyzed. (And this is just for starters.)

Security is keeping locks on your information. The primary key to most locks is passwords. Good passwords technique is your number 1 defense against the bad guys steeling you money. But it also is important in protecting your family and loved ones from the bad guys. (Yes, they will work through you to get to your family and vi sa versa).

Next column we will dive into the locks, keys and pick pockets.

Dave & Lisa
360-376-TECH (8324)

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