For the Orcas Island Garden Club’s second virtual meeting on Wednesday Feb. 17, we invite you to bring your favorite cuppa to the screen and join Laura Walker as she guides us through the steps of making one of her favorite herbal teas. Make Love Your Life tea (click here) found in Sarah Farr’s book, Healing Herbal Teas. It’s bound to be an uplifting experience!

Then follow as Helen Huber demonstrates a simple recipe for delicious five ingredient shortbread (click here). Prepare it in advance so
you have cookies with your tea!

Emmy Gran of Fabled Flora has accepted our challenge to demonstrate making a floral arrangement from local materials, in February! We hope that there will be early buds on Willows and Mahonia or ….? We eagerly anticipate seeing what she chooses and how she puts it into an arrangement.

Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2021 – Orcas Island Garden Club ZOOM meeting at 10 a.m.

ZOOM link to join the
meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81278034331?pwd=Y3h3UjdwaW1oaXBDU0tNUUJ5YkJ4Zz

We are looking forward to this time together with the three of them and you – only wishing it could be in person.


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