From Steve Emmes

Cindy McGrady, Tango teacher, has just returned from Argentina after many a dance class there. She’s putting on a Tango Bootcamp, with sessions in beginning and intermediate tango over six days.

Beginning Tango class schedule:
1st class: September 27 from 7-8 p.m. at the Odd Fellows Hall
2nd class September 28, from  11 a.m. to noon at the Orcas Center (Madrona Room)
For days 3-6 contact Cindy McGrady  376-3259 or Kay Miller 376-4538, 376-4312.
Intermediate Tango follows the beginning classes.

In total, there will be a 6 day series of classes. The cost is $60 per person/$100 per couple for the series. For those who wish to take both beginning and intermediate classes, the cost is $100 per person/$180 per couple

Drop-in okay, contact: Cindy McGrady 376-3259 or Kay Miller 376-4538, 376-4312.