By Helen Venada
SJC Waste Reduction and Hazardous Waste Coordinator

“America Recycles Day” is a nationwide campaign to raise awareness about the importance (1) of recycling and (2) of making conscious efforts to “close the recycling loop” by purchasing items made of recycled materials. Private/public/non-profit partnerships have sponsored this annual campaign since 1997 to help America realize its maximum recycling potential.

Here are some very good reasons for us to take the time to think about why recycling is important:

  • recycling conserves resources, saves energy, and fuel use;
  • recycling makes natural resources available for re-manufacture of new materials;
  • recycling reduces waste going to the landfill;
  • recycling is the easiest step we can take to actively build more sustainability into our communities!

We have an opportunity here in the San Juans to join millions of Americans in making a difference.  With your help we can revitalize and re-energize recycling, make our economy stronger, and help promote community goals.

By the way, San Juan County’s recycling rate in 2010 was only 27%!

What can San Juan Islanders do to help reinvigorate our nationwide recycling efforts and honor “America Recycles Day”?

  • Take the pledge at to learn just what can be recycled here and to reduce your personal waste by recycling more;
  • To follow through, check out the County Public Works webpage “Recycling Guidelines” and “REcyclopedia” at;
  • Plan local events to recycle more items or otherwise green up your island;
  • Re-commit to use reusable shopping bags and beverage containers;
  • Avoid using plastic whenever possible;
  • Choose purchases with little or no packaging (e.g. by shopping locally or buying food in bulk);
  • Buy products that are made from recycled materials to stimulate the recycling market.

To let us know about your good ideas to improve the 3R’s in the San Juans, contact