By Joan Roulac

Better Balance in 8 weeks!  Ready to experience less pain, nd develop more balance, flow and ease in your daily life? What if I promised you will feel better after your very first class…better yet, what if I guarantee it?

T’AI CHI CHIH is a slow moving and easy practice with many health benefits.  Simple to learn, you will begin benefiting and feeling juicier during your very 1st class whether you are 2 or 102.
What can you expect? Laughter, inspiration, healing…stress busting, deep relaxation, restful sleep…feeling happier and empowered to practice confidently at home.

Join your neighbors Monday morning, Sept. 13 at 9:30 a.m.for a fun free hour-long introductory class at the Senior Center in the Lundeen Room. The Fall 8-week Series runs from September 13 through November 1st Monday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., and the Series fee is $80.

The Mayo Clinic says that Seniors regularly practicing T’AI CHI can reduce their risk of falling by nearly 50%! I’m happy to answer your questions and share student testimonials and success stories with you.

Call me at x6336 or email