Joan Roulac will teach an eight-week T’ai Chi Chih series beginning April 2 at the Orcas Senior Center. The fee for the series is $98. A free T’ai Chi Chih introductory class will be offered Monday morning April 2nd at 9:30 a.m.

Level 1 classes start at 9:30 a.m.; Level 2 classes start at 11 a.m.

T’ai Chi Chih is a slow moving meditative practice based on ancient Chinese healing principles that Harvard Health Letter refers to as “medication in motion.”

“Students have many different reasons for exploring my classes,” says Joan Roulac, who has been teaching T’ai Chi Chih for 25 years. “Every one wants the same four things: Better Balance, Strength, Flexibility & Peace of Mind.”

To contact Roulac, call 376.6336 +