Beginning class starts September 12 at 8:30 a.m.

Joan Roulac will start a new series of T’ai Chi Chih classes, beginning Monday morning, September 12 at the Orcas Senior Center.

Roulac asks, “Ready to experience less pain, and develop more balance, flow and ease in your daily life?  What if I promised you will feel better after your very first class…better yet, what if I guarantee it?

“T’ai Chi Chih is a slow moving and easy practice with many health benefits.  Simple to learn, you will begin benefiting and feeling juicier during your very first class whether you are two or 102.

“What can you expect?  Pain and stress relief, inspiration and laughter, and you’ll feel empowered to practice on your own.”

Join your neighbors Monday morning Sept. 12 at 9:30 a.m. for a fun free hour introductory class.  Happy to answer any questions and share islander’s healing success stories with you.”

The classes will be in the Lundeen Room at the Orcas Senior Center for eight weeks. Level Two classes start at 11 a.m. The series fee is $80.

Joan Roulac is  a T’ai Chi Chih Certified Teacher since 1987. She may be contacted at or  at 376-6336.

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