Sustainable Orcas Island (SOI) has rescheduled the Feb. 23 monthly meeting to Tuesday, March 8, from 6 to 7:30 at the Orcas Island Public Library.

James David Sneed is planning a move to Alaska; so this may be the last opportunity to hear him speak, at least for awhile, according to SOI organizer Phil Heikkinen.

The agenda is basically the same as proposed for Feb 23:

1.       James David on “timetables and pathways for food security” (possibly up to an hour total, including questions and discussion)

2.       SOI mission, possible steering committee formation (10 mins). A mission statement proposed by Heikkinen reads:

Sustainable Orcas Island nurtures a healthy, vibrant, and resilient community for present and future generations through networking, shared resources, and project support.

3.       Report on the seed swap on Feb 13 (Dan, Ulanah, James David, others…?) [10 mins]

4.       Learner Limbach update on the Food Masters (or possible new name) group [10 mins]

For more information, call Heikkinen at 376-4985.