Susan Osborn will give a concert to benefit the people of Sendai, Japan on Sunday, March 20

By Susan Osborn

The ongoing disaster in Japan has broken our hearts open.

Japan is my second home.  The generosity, kindness and depth of the people there, and the beauty of that ancient culture have nourished me profoundly over the past 21 years and I am forever grateful.

The people are suffering now… grief at the loss of so much, shortages of food, water and warmth, in addition to fears about the ongoing nuclear situation.  Funds are needed, as well as prayers.

I will be doing a benefit concert of the Japanese songs that continue to enrich my life this Sunday afternoon on Orcas.  All proceeds will be sent directly to Sendai to assist in recovery efforts.

It is actually so helpful for me to have an opportunity to sing through my grief with our community and to reach out and give back in some small way to those who have given me so much. Sendai is my Japanese hometown and the home of my Japanese Mom. She and her family are doing fine and have a hospital there so are on the frontlines. We will send the funds directly to her, and she will hand deliver to the Mayor as a gift of support from Orcas Island.

Our world is so small.

If you are able, please join us. [The concert will be at 4 p.m. at Orcas Island Community Church.]

If not, please let me know if you would like me to come to your area to do a benefit concert, and we can try to arrange it.

A nursery will be provided for children five and under.

Checks may be written to OICC Helping Hands Japan Relief Fund and donated Sunday or sent to PO Box 205, Eastsound, WA 98245. For more information contact Monique Turner at 376-6422, or

(Contact Susan through her email,

Sakura Sakura

Traditional Japanese Song of the Cherry Blossoms

Sakura, Sakura

Far as heart and mind can roam

Paint the hills and fields of home

Lacy clouds of blossom white

Fleeting beauty fills my sight

Taste it now, while it’s here

Blossoms soon will fall

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