— from Janet Brownell for OIEF —

[As of July 19], the Orcas Island Education Foundation is in its last 7 days of the “One Arm Tied Behind Your Back” challenge. Started on June 22, OIEF created the campaign to raise both donations AND awareness. Public education is under-funded in Washington State. Our schools are not failing, but they are tasked to educate children with one arm tied behind their backs.  Thus, the idea came to create a campaign that would shed light on that fact, and have some fun raising money.

We have had some amazing videos posted. One “fan favorite” is David Kau’s kayak video.  (It really is amazing.)  To see David’s video — and to see many others — go to:  https://oief.org/videos/  There are quite a few to scroll through.
Speaking of challenges — if one of yours is technology — and you haven’t been able to figure out how to post your video on either Facebook or YouTube — you can send us your video at: info@oief.org OR save on Dropbox and send us the link (to the same address) — we are happy to post for you.
To all of you who have given already, OIEF gives you our heartfelt gratitude.  And in this last week — please tell your friends, family, neighbors — to give at oief.org. The donations we raise now will go to help bring programs like theater arts, field trips, debate and art and so much more to our schools. EVERY gift is meaningful; more you give, the more we can do.