— by Lin McNulty —

It began as a search for a “recipe to meet potential new members” for the Lions Club to improve sustainability of the organization with an aging membership. It’s difficult,” says Lions Club member Chris White, “to get someone to pay to be a volunteer.”

What if–just what if–they could develop a volunteer program with (1) no strings attached, (2) no commitment, (3) no requirements, (4) no expectations, (5) no mandatory meetings, (6) no dues, and (7) no board. From that seemingly impossible imperative, from that realization, the ad hoc Sunrise Volunteers was spawned last September on Orcas Island.

“Many people enjoy helping without an implied commitment,” says Lions Club member Steve Schaefer.

Sunrise Volunteers is simply an email list (currently about 80 islanders) of people willing to help whenever there is a need, willing to help whenever they are able. Since the Sunrise Volunteers’ inception last Fall, they have assisted nearly a dozen personal needs projects. A home fire victim received clothing and supplies, and was set up in housing within 12 hours of the fire. A single mom needed help to move a piano, and most recently an islander was set up (with the assistance of additional networking by Sunrise Volunteers) for an extended stay in Seattle for cancer care.

Requests for professional and/or financial assistance are referred elsewhere. Sunrise Volunteers is a resourceful hands, backs, and resources group. They also serve as a resource for non-profit organizations on the island.

The closest this group comes to anything resembling a bureaucracy, is a non-mandatory meeting every third Friday at 7 a.m. (Sunrise) at the Skillet. Coffee is free and interesting speakers are invited to present at the gathering. The get-together lasts only 40 minutes.

Recent speakers include Pete Moe speaking on the progress of Exchange. Sheriff Krebs gave a State of the County presentation. Rick Hughes updated the group on Council issues, and Lance Evans addressed the summer economic status. All speakers have asked to be a volunteer after speaking.

Requests for assistance are evaluated for applicability, and requests are limited to Orcas Island only. Requests for financial and professional services are referred elsewhere.

The concept is an Orcas original, although it has been pitched to the Friday Harbor Lions Club and other Lions clubs in the Pacific Northwest.

To be added to the list, simply send your name and email address to sunrisevolunteers@orcaslions.org. When a need arises, you will receive an email outlining the situation and what is needed. If you can help, you help. If you can’t, then perhaps next time.

Over time, there will be some volunteers who want to belong to Lions Club. “We’re not getting any “No”s from those we ask,” says Chris White. “Our  biggest problem is failure to ask.”