By Brodie Miller, age 13

Thirty-eight students from Orcas, Shaw, and San Juan Islands, as well as Seattle came to Canoe Island for the second annual Young Artists, Writers, and Scientists weekend.

The camp, organized by Orcas Rec and the CIFC consisted of 8 different activities to choose from. The activities were digital photography, creative writing and theater, designing an island, marine biology, journalism, marine organisms, forest ecology, and culinary arts.

To teach these activities were 10 instructors and 10 chaperones. At the end of the weekend, each group presented a final project for everyone else.

Among others, the journalism class headed by Jennifer Karchmer printed a newsletter, digital photography class lead by Allison Hart-Lengyel printed their best pictures to display and the forest ecology class taught by Linda Sheridan created a self-guided nature tour. Connie and Joseph Jones, the Directors of CIFC said that thy wanted an opportunity for the community to come to Canoe Island to learn from professionals and have fun.

(Orcas Rec Coordinator Linda Sheridan comments: “All of the instructors and chaperones volunteered their time, which is why we could hold such an affordable and fun weekend program to young adults. It was an amazing weekend and Canoe Island plans to host it again next yea)