— by Madie Murray —

Last year's winners: Arla and Zora - K-6 winners Caitlyn Holley - MS/HS winner

Last year’s winners:
Arla Sutton & Zora Leck – K-6
Caitlyn Holley – MS/HS

Entries must be received by April 28
Competition will be held on May 17

All students in the Orcas Island and Waldron Public Schools are invited to compete in our annual Student Chef Competition.  It’s your chance to shine in the kitchen!

Almost every kid has a favorite food, and here’s the opportunity to work your magic on one of them and see how it fares with the judges.

• The K-6 competition will occur in the morning of May 10 and will be centered around any type of BREAKFAST item.

• The MS/HS competition will occur in the afternoon of May 10 and will be centered around any type of LUNCH item.

Entry Form and Guidelines may be downloaded at www.orcasislandf2c.org or you may pick one up from Chef Zach in the school cafeteria.