Saturday, May 27, 11 a.m., Orcas Senior Center

— from Faith Heath for Orcas Community Church —

All island women are invited to come hear adventurous long-distance hiker and new Orcas Islander Judy Stockwell speak at the annual Women’s Spring Luncheon hosted by Orcas Island Community Church on Saturday, May 27. The theme this year is “Stepping Out in Faith.”

Stockwell will share her experience of walking the 500-mile pilgrimage trail, El Camino de Santiago in Spain, in 2014.  A passionate traveler and hiker, Stockwell says her love for the outdoors began when her parents took their family camping all around the Western United States. She and her husband Mark have continued that tradition, taking their own family even further on trips to Canada, Europe and South America.

Judy is a firm believer in the educational benefits of travel, as well as the “soul expanding” that happens when you open yourself up to experience another culture. “The discomfort that traveling may often entail, especially in foreign countries with different food, language and customs, can often be the opening of a door to understanding not only a different culture but also to better knowing yourself and a deepening of your faith walk,” she says. “It places us in the world as we should be – brothers and sisters in Christ.”

Judy and her husband, Mark, have lived in Eastsound for just over a year but have been visiting and loving it for over 30 years. They lived for over 20 years on the East Coast before moving to Seattle and then Eastsound. While Mark still works in Seattle 4 days a week Judy happily makes Orcas [their] full-time home.

Judy got her BS degree in Recreation Therapy (many years ago!) and worked with physically disabled patients in a Rehabilitation setting for several years. When their two daughters, Kelly and Kait, came along she stepped back from her profession and stepped into the role of mom and volunteer and eventually co-directed the Food Bank ministry at her church in Paoli, PA. She is currently enjoying working alongside new friends at the Orcas Island Food Bank.

Judy hiked the Cotswolds Way in 2013 with Mark and completed the Camino de Santiago in Spain with her daughter, Kelly, in 2014. She is looking forward to hiking in Italy in the fall with Mark, and the two plan to walk the Camino again together.

The luncheon will be held at the Orcas Senior Center in Eastsound at 11:30 a.m. Orcas Senior Center chef Jay Savell, who also cooked for the luncheon last year, will be offering a choice of salmon or chicken with wild rice pilaf, asparagus, Caesar Salad and Crème Brulee. The lunch will cost $20. To reserve your spot, call the church office at 376-6422. For questions, call organizers Susan Clark (376-7046) or Faith Heath (376-4527).