— from David Turnoy —

Once again starting June 20, adult softball will be available at Buck Park at 6:30 every Monday evening. We had such an enthusiastic response last summer, often with more than 30 people showing up, that this year we will have two fields and two games available simultaneously.

If you are someone in (or near) the prime of life with good baseball skills, you are invited to play on the softball diamond (the upper field) in what should to be a pretty high level game. If you are more like me, over the hill but who still loves playing softball, or perhaps your skills are not quite as developed and you would like to play in a non-threatening environment, please join us on the lower baseball field.

Our wonderful Parks and Recreation Director, Marcia West, will have bases installed for us at the 60 feet distance (softball distance) so that we too can enjoy this fun summer game. Please bring a glove and bat, if you have them, but not to worry if you don’t. If you have any questions, you can contact Marcia at the Parks and Rec office, or you can contact me at 376-4165 or davidgeri@centurylink.net.