Wu-Style Tai Chi movements combine mind and body skills that can improve as you age


A Tai Chi Master for over thirty years, Stephanie brings a special and unique appreciation to the practice of this ancient art form. And though many people take tai chi just to improve balance, some other important benefits are:

  • Releasing Virus-fighting T-Cells and Endorphins to boost the Immune System
  • Massaging and re-awakening inner organs for improved digestion, regularity and a good night’s sleep
  • Increasing bone-mass by regular practice of this gentle weight bearing exercise
  • Strengthening the heart muscle
  • Instilling a deep sense of well-being, awareness and physical confidence
  • Improving lung capacity, bringing more oxygen into the bloodstream and increasing circulation
  • Encouraging greater muscle, joint and ligament flexibility
  • Releasing harmful stress hormones
  • Belonging with fellow students, to a supportive Wu Tai Chi Community on Orcas Island

Join Stephanie’s Wu-Style Tai Chi Classes every Wednesday, beginning May 4
Time: 1:00 p.m.-2:00 Location: Odd Fellows Hall, 112 Haven Rd, Eastsound
Fees: $150 for10 consecutive classes/drop-in $20 per class

For more information: Call Stephanie at 415 302-7237 / thecircleofchi@gmail.com. Take a photo of this poster and put it in your calendar as a reminder!
(Covid Vaccination Card will be required for the protection of all) Class size is limited so sign up now to reserve your space.

To watch Stephanie demonstrating Wu Form HERE.


**If it wouldn’t cause you financial distress to take out a modestly-priced, voluntary subscription (HERE), you’d be doing a real service. If it would, then no worries, we’re happy to share with you.**