— from Governor Inslee’s Office —

Jennifer Hennessey is Gov. Jay Inslee’s policy expert on ocean health and environmental issues. She recently traveled to Chile to help researchers better understand the impact of ocean acidification on Washington and Chile.

Chile recently invited a group of Washington experts to share our state’s ocean acidification story, what we’ve learned, and how we’re fighting it.

That’s because our story is a warning splash for the rest of the world.

Washington is unique because we were the first area to create a comprehensive action plan after experiencing ocean acidification. Ocean acidification happens when our oceans absorb carbon dioxide. This means our ocean life ends up living in more acidic environments. It isn’t a good thing because it messes with the ideal living conditions that the organisms need to thrive in. And as climate change worsens, our oceans are only getting more acidic.

Read the rest of the story on the governor’s Medium page.

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