— from Jaime Smith, Governor’s Office —

Martin Luther King, Jr. said, ‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.’

This feels like a time of darkness. The cause of justice is not advanced by the abhorrent hate and violence unleashed in Dallas last night. It is in these times that it is more important than ever that we work to bring light to darkness, love against hate.

Trudi and I, and I know all Washingtonians, join in mourning the five officers gunned down last night and pray for a full recovery of those injured. We stand with the people of Dallas and the men and women in law enforcement around the world. I’ve ordered state flags to be lowered today in honor of the Dallas officers.

No explanation of last night’s horror should satisfy us; no justification should be offered or accepted.

We must work to change the culture of killing that infects American life today. As we stand shoulder to shoulder with law enforcement, we also stand with those who decry the injustice felt when we read about the tragic killings of far too many people of color. We have a clear need in our country to end the disparate treatment of people of color and we have much more work to do. All of us have to redouble our commitment to ensuring a system of justice that is fair and just for all, regardless of skin color.

As we speak our truths, we can and must do so peacefully. In Washington state, demonstrations have largely been peaceful. I thank the communities and our law enforcement officials for showing that bold protest does not require violence.