Impact on Moran Park to be Determined

From The Olympian
By Jordan Schrader

The state Parks and Recreation Commission … says 83 of the state’s 189 full-time park rangers stand to lose their current jobs.

Sixteen of 76 construction and maintenance workers also will go, the agency says. Plus, the equivalent of more than 23 full-time jobs will be eliminated at parks headquarters in Olympia and in regional offices around the state.

Many of the employees being let go will be offered other work, says the agency, which didn’t have exact numbers on total layoffs. But to stay on, most rangers would have to take a major pay cut and work as little as five months of the year in one of 63 new seasonal jobs being created.

The layoffs are proceeding despite a plea from a dozen lawmakers to hold off. Those legislators and the union that represents parks workers were alarmed earlier this month when 160 parks employees received notification their jobs were at risk. They complained that front-line maintenance workers and rangers are taking larger cuts than administrators. But parks commission Chairman Joe Taller says support staff and management have been hit harder than rangers over several rounds of cuts.

(To read the full article, go to: