— from the Office of Governor Jay Inslee —

The 105-day legislative session ended on time with the governor and legislative leaders celebrating significant victories related to climate change and conservation, education, healthcare, jobs and safe communities.

During the final hours of the session, lawmakers approved new, two-year state operating, capital and transportation budgets. 

The operating budget, which includes about $850 million in new tax revenue, would leave a projected $2.8 billion in total reserves at the end of the biennium. The two-year operating budget totals about $52.4 billion. The bulk of new spending goes to K-12 education, primarily to cover the ongoing costs to meet the state’s obligations to fully fund public schools. 

On nearly every front, legislators delivered important policies to move our state forward,” Gov. Jay Inslee said after the Legislature adjourned. “Everyone here should feel really proud of the progress we made to put our people first, support our growing economy and help more people feel secure about their future.”

Read the rest of the story on the governor’s Medium page.