Included among these rights are the right “to flow freely, maintain its natural ecological functions and processes including the health and integrity of its waters, banks, and surrounding habitats; the right to flourish, evolve, and sustain the natural migration and spawning of fish vital to the survival of Southern Resident Orcas, a critically endangered species; the right to be protected from activities that harm its ecological balance; the right to clean and unpolluted water which is essential for the health of the river and the well-being of all species and ecosystems that rely on it.”

This resolution was passed after the ECC adopted another resolution on June 22nd, 2024, recognizing the inherent rights of the Southern Resident Orcas. Thus far, in addition to the recent resolutions adopted by the ECC, five cities and three counties in Washington have adopted proclamations recognizing the inherent rights of Southern Resident Orcas. Depoe Bay, Oregon,
and Arcata, CA, have also adopted similar proclamations.

Efforts by Legal Rights of the Salish Sea (LRSS) and Northwest Animal Rights Network (NARN) are being made to secure legal recognition of the inherent Rights of the Southern Resident Orcas in Washington State.


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