Sunday, February 11, from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall

— from Fran Tatu —

Standing Rock Awakens the World. Photo courtesy the Revolution Club

For the better part of 2016, hundreds of thousands of activists, calling themselves “water protectors,” traveled to the Standing Rock Lakota Sioux Reservation, near Bismarck, North Dakota, from around the world. At stake was a dispute between Energy Transfer Partners, builders of the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Standing Rock tribe. The pipeline was to cross under the Missouri River and Lake Oahe, putting at risk the water supply for millions, in the event of an inevitable pipeline break.

“Awake: A Dream from Standing Rock” outlines this story of the ongoing movement to protect not only our waters, but also to protect Indigenous rights. We are honored to have Cheyenne Tribal Elder, Raymond L. Kingfisher, an activist from the age of 15, visiting Orcas to host and screen the 90 minute film. There will be a discussion following the film.

$10 suggested donation. No one turned away, special invitation to Veterans, Seniors, & Children
Proceeds to benefit the WPLC (Water Protectors Legal Collective).