Art is one way islanders can be remembered long after they have left us. Stan Moldoff’s (1925-2020) passion for painting and JoEllen Moldoff’s generosity have inspired the first ever AOK Gala & Art Auction this Sunday at Orcas Center. JoEllen donated over 100 of Stan’s paintings to AOK after his death and EVERY tix holder at the AOK Gala & Art Auction on Sunday, June 9th, will go home with an original oil painting by Stan at no extra cost.

Stan Moldoff, 1925-2020

Stan Moldoff was born in 1925 in New York City and grew up in the Bronx. He began a career in advertising as an art director, followed by many years as a professional photographer. He continued to paint throughout this time, and eventually he was able to follow his passion for art as a full time artist.

He and his wife JoEllen moved to Orcas from NY in 2001. Stan loved the natural world. He spent time photographing and painting at most of the National Parks. His studio on Orcas was his true home. He painted almost every day, always looking forward to the next day’s work.

According to JoEllen, “Stan would be so happy that his paintings will find homes on Orcas and at the same time will contribute to the art program for Orcas children. Teaching and encouraging artists was very important to him.” 
Paintings come in all sizes, and are on canvas, and there will be time to swap paintings with other attendees.
Ticket holders will also be treated to art by kids, a fabulous grazing board, wine, friendship and gratitude. You can learn more about the event at: https://oief.org/events
  • Date: June 9th at 4:30pm
  • Venue: Orcas Center
  • Dress: Casual

AOK Mission Statement: Art for Orcas Kids’ shared vision is that a rich and exciting learning experience in visual arts will empower students with lifelong creativity and curiosity. Therefore, it is the mission of A*OK to offer visual art lessons to all students of the Orcas Island School District. 

The lessons taught by our teaching artists aim to:  

  • Inspire creative thinking and problem solving  
  • Teach the discipline of art and craftsmanship
  • Provide a safe space for student expression
  • Provide K-8 visual arts curriculum and engage various learning styles 
  • Integrate key Washington State K–12 Arts Learning Standards