Greg Watson, featured author at SPLAB Literary Series at Doe Bay this Sunday

Greg Watson is the featured author at SPLAB Literary Series this Sunday. The event is call “Si’i’ahb – Noble People: Key words in Puget Sound Salish and the power they carry.”

This session is not a class to learn language or spirituality, but a chance to consider how even a few words can carry strong and subtle cultural messages that we can incorporate into creative writing.  We will explore Whulshootseed words like Si’i’ahb, es’istuh (same as), directional terms and nouns with multiple meanings (like shugwthl, which means road and door), along with their pronunciations and un-exact spellings with the English alphabet.  Hearing Salish literature in translation and some time with the Whulshootsed dictionary are near certainties.

All lovers of food, wine and words are welcome to attend this unique event. The reading begins at 7:00 pm.  Reserve a table for dinner by calling 360-376-8059. For further information, call 376-2291 or  go to

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