Emma O'Neal as her favorite book character, "The Giving Tree"

Emma O'Neal, a First-Grader, dressed as her favorite book character, "The Giving Tree"

Updated Nov. 20 at 5 p.m.

Orcas Elementary/Middle School Principal Kyle Freeman brought the idea for a  Spirit Week to the Elementary and Middle Schools this fall, and the 6th grade Leadership class took the lead on a week of class fund. Each day had a different dress-up theme:
Monday was  Pajama Day,
Tuesday was Hat Day,
Wednesday was “Your Favorite Book Character” Day,
Thursday was Twin (or Triplet, Quintuplet, etc. ) Day,
Friday was Class Color Day, with most classes selecting a “theme” color and Nancy Knapp’s 5th grade choosing “Tie-Dye.”

Destiny Wright, Second-grader, as her favorite book character, Junie B (for Beatrice) Jones

Destiny Wright, Second-grader, as her favorite book character, Junie B (for Beatrice) Jones

An assembly on Friday wrapped up Spirit Week’s highlights.  Reading teacher Susan Stolmeier organized a Readers’ Theater, with the teachers doing a choral reading of  Gruffalo.

(Photos courtesy of Mandy Randolph).