— by Cara Russell —

DSCN3470Seventy-two dry pounds of spaghetti went into the 35th annual Orcas Island Middle School Spaghetti Dinner, held in the school cafeteria on Friday evening April 4th.

Over the last few weeks, the Orcas Middle School students have descended upon the income earning adults of Orcas, and with their sweet and still innocent faces, they managed to sell over 400 tickets. “The tickets were $5 for kids, and $10 for adults, so we averaged about $8 a ticket,” said teacher Phil Carter.

The fundraiser was completely sponsored by Island Market, and hosted by the students and staff of Orcas Island Middle School.

DSCN3471Everyone was served a full plate of spaghetti, accompanied by an Italian vinaigrette salad and bread roll, followed by an ice-cream sundae for dessert. School Chef Zach Holley, along with his helpers, produced the massive meal which satisfied the hundreds who attended.

For entertainment, the middle school band and the high school strings provided live dinner music.

The annual Spaghetti dinner fundraiser proceeds go straight to the middle school ASB, where it is used for events like the end of the year dance, and class trip.