Nancy Southern, Energetic Life Coach and Master Social Worker, will teach an all-day class on “Tapping In to Peace and Happiness During Times of Change and Transformation” on Saturday, March 6. A discount is offered for those who register by Feb. 22.

Southern quotes Singer/Songwriter Rickie Byars Beckwith, who said, “I learned to shift from expressing my pain to expressing my vision,”and asks, “Yes, ‘the times they are a changin’ ‘How well are you managing the ups and downs that go hand in hand with changing times?”

The one-day class offers lessons to manage your energy day-by-day:

  • Activate your intuitive connection
  • Identify your energetic frequency moment to moment
  • Raise or lower your frequency to fit each situation
  • Learn how your inner energy influences your outer experiences
  • Why feeling happy or peaceful happens from the inside out
  • Get conscious control of inner beliefs that do not serve you
  • How to regain balance when life pulls you off center

The class will be held from 9:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m, with a one-hour lunch break (Bring a sack lunch for yourself). Coffee, tea, filtered water and nut mix are provided. The location is at 437 Potlatch Drive in Deer Harbor.

Energy Exchange is $111 or $99 for enrollment by Feb. 22. Payment options include: cash, check, Money Order or credit card (Paypal).

For more information, call 376-4288, or email Teaches Energy Management 101