— by Cara Russell –

My family never made it a tradition to say what we are thankful for at Thanksgiving dinner. The few times my mother actually tried to encourage this highly appropriate custom, my brothers and I would groan and say something like, “I’m thankful for this delicious food that I am about to consume…Can we eat yet?” I’m sure we had more sincere thoughts in our minds at the time, but our teenage need to always appear cool overcame our sentiment, and our gushy emotions.

However, I am not fifteen years-old anymore, thankfully, and not only do I have a lot to be thankful for, I have an opportunity to express it. For starters, I am thankful for my family, and my friends; these people have always brightened my daily life, and been there for me in one way or another. They accept my quirks, and understand me. But, there is one thing this year that I am most thankful for—Orcas Issues.

Since coming to work with Margie and Lin, not only have I made two new friends and mentors, and have been writing nonstop (my passion), but I have gotten more in touch with the community that I grew up in. I have been to Chili Cook offs, business openings, 4th of July celebrations, high school graduations, Veteran celebrations, and informative beach walks.

I’ve met interesting people like the seaweed guru Ryan Drum, new elementary school principal Kathy Page, Pulitzer-Winning Political Cartoonist David Horsey, The Zucchini Houdini, members of the food co-op board who are working hard to bring a co-op to Orcas, enthusiastic and creative kids making zombie movies, local artists, members of OIFR, and the talented actors of Actors Theater of Orcas Island, and the Orcas Center.

I am thankful to live on Orcas Island, and all I can say is thank you, to Orcas Issues, to my friends, my family, and the diverse community who continues to let me interview, take their pictures, and share their lives with them. I have never felt closer to my community than I do now, and I am thankful that I have somewhere where I feel like I belong. Happy Thanksgiving!