Port Administrative Authority May Provide a Garbage Solution

By Mindy Kayl

At the Eastsound Plan Review Committee (EPRC) meeting on Thursday July 7, the topic of adding garbage cans in Eastsound led to a discussion about the authority of the Port of Orcas and if it is possible for them to take over the management of solid waste on Orcas.

The solid waste issue has been confounding county government for some time. An unnamed county staff said that waste disposal costs the county tax payers approximately $22,000 per month for every month the issue remains unresolved.   Lopez Island and now Orcas are both considering alternatives to county waste management.

EPRC member Rick Hughes said, “The port (of Orcas) has legal authority to handle local issues like waste management, transportation and economic development.”   The Port of Orcas can acquire funds — both low interest loans and grants.  As in the case of Orcas Park and Recreation District, which is negotiating with the Port to provide funds fro administrative costs,  the Port is able to loan money at a low rate.  A port can own land, set fees, levy taxes, operate shipping terminals, and airports.

Councilman Richard Fralick arrived after the solid waste discussion and shared bad news about the budget.  He said there is a reduction in sales which lowers one of the county’s few sources of revenue, sales tax.  The lower sales tax revenue is causing the county to prepare an amended budget with possible cuts of $900,000.   As for the solid waste issue, Fralick said, there would be an ordinance presented that would raise solid waste rates and would most likely be [intlink id=”12857″ type=”post”]based on a parcel fee[/intlink] with commercial and residential properties paying different amounts.

A modified Wireless Communication Ordinance will be discussed at the July 25th county council meeting, Fralick said.  A draft of the ordinance and amendments are available on-line at www.sanjuanco.com/cdp/WirelessAmend.

Fralick also explained, the county’s redistricting process.  The process was initiated by a change in population distribution based on the 2010 Census numbers.  Orcas West (District 4) has a higher population than Orcas East (District 5) necessitating a change in districts.  Fralick added “I think it is important to keep Eastsound in both districts.”  To view the county presentation on redistricting go to: .sanjuanco.com/Docs/CAgendadocs/05-10-2011/Presentation_Redistricting

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