Starting Monday, June 23, 6:30 p.m., Buck Park

Adult softball starts this coming Monday at Buck Park at 6:30, not 5:30. IT DOES NOT COST ANYTHING! If you have questions, call David at 376-4165 or email at

— from David Turnoy —

The sun is high in the sky, the aroma of freshly-cut grass beckons, and the kids are almost out of school—it must be baseball season.

For men and women age 35 and better who are looking for an opportunity to play softball, come on out to Buck Park on Monday, June 23, at 6:30 in the evening. We will be playing a friendly game that night and every Monday thereafter throughout the summer.

Don’t worry if you don’t have any equipment; bats and balls will be provided, and hopefully enough folks will bring gloves that you will be able to share.

If you have any questions, contact David at 376-4165 or via email.