Signs of slugs and ways to bait

Signs of slugs and ways to bait

Yes, even the kind with iron phosphate. A recent review of pet exposures reported to the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) found 56 cases involving 61 dogs that showed signs compatible with iron toxicosis after being exposed to iron phosphate baits. Those signs include lethargy, vomiting and diarrhea. Most of the time, dogs had access to the area where baits were used or they got into products that were stored insecurely.

There was good news in the review of pet exposures. Exposures to the other kind of slug & snail bait, metaldehyde, fell from 209 in 2005 to 21 in 2011, a tenfold decrease! Metaldehyde is more toxic to dogs than iron phosphate.

·      Always read and follow the label directions, even when the product is considered natural, organic, or less toxic than other pesticides.

·      Store pesticides where pets cannot gain access. We heard stories about pets opening cabinets, knocking packages off high shelves, and digging up buried bait pellets.

·      Don’t create piles of bait.

·      Pay attention to the amount applied. The labels are very specific.

Thanks to Gwen Stamm