“Just showing up” on the day program begins no longer possible

By Linda Sheridan
Orcas Rec Coordinator

We did not get enough participants pre-registered for the Skyhawks Multisport Program set to run June 21st-25th so it will be canceled until further notice. I will be working with Skyhawks representative Kris Brauns to possibly reschedule different dates for later this summer but at this point we are not sure if it will work out. All registered participants will receive a full refund. If new dates are agreed on between Orcas Rec and Skyhawks we will post it on our website at www.orcasrec.org

It is my responsibility to run programs that are self sustainable this summer. If we do not have enough participants to cover the basic costs of a program, cancelations will be made. I know Orcas residents are used to showing up the first day of a program and registering on the spot, but this year Orcas Rec can not afford to run programs that do not cover the basic costs.

It helps us tremendously when people pre-register for programs. This way we know if we can cover the costs to run the program, we can make sure we have all of the correct paperwork for each participant, and it saves time on the first day. Please pre-register for programs this summer! Registration forms can be found on our website, at the library, at the public elementary school, and at our office in the Sr Center (and attached to this email). Both Sailing with Sail Orcas and British Soccer can be registered for online at their respective websites.

If you or your business would like to sponsor an Orcas Rec program to help cover program costs please contact Linda Sheridan at 376-5339.

We still have two great programs offered the week of June 21st-25th. The 3-6 year old Summer Day Camp at Salmonberry, and the Children’s Theater Camp through Orcas Center . Sign up today!

We hope to see you this summer!