Orcas Island School District has joined San Juan Island and Lopez school districts in conducting an ongoing Skills Center Study and Survey.

In addition to influencing the kinds of vocational classes which might become available to our kids, each completed survey shows our interest in the program and increases the likelihood of a skills center coming to the islands.

The survey is very short and is available online at www.sjisd.wednet.edu/skillcenter

Please take the few minutes it takes to complete the survey (be sure to scroll down and select Orcas District as you begin!)

Following is a joint letter from our Superintendent, Barbara Kline, the superintendent of the San Juan Island and Lopez school districts, NWESD and NW Career and Technical Academy explaining the survey:

Your school district is conducting a survey in an effort to determine if it is feasible to have a branch or satellite skill center program offered on high school campuses in San Juan County.

Whether your child is going directly into the work place or continuing his/her education through an apprenticeship program, attending a community college, or a university; participation in a branch or satellite skill center program may be a great fit.

Skill center classes will provide students with the skills, knowledge and professional leadership training necessary for future success. Satellite or branch campus programs will be an extension of the Northwest Career and Technical Academy main campus, located on the Skagit Valley Community College campus in Mount Vernon.

Offering skill center training programs will provide your student the opportunity to enroll in career and technical classes in any district in San Juan County. Class offerings will be based on employer needs, employment needs, student and parent interest. That is why your input is so critical. Please take the time to complete the Feasibility Study Questionnaire.

Thank you for your input.

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