— from San Juan County Communications —

On January 8, 2019, the State Growth Management Hearings Board found that San Juan County’s Shoreline Master Program including its shoreline management regulations complies with the State’s Shoreline Management Act. 

San Juan County adopted Ordinance 21 – 2018 that addressed areas of noncompliance in Case No. 17-2-0009. It may be viewed HERE.

The Washington State Department of Ecology concurred with the County’s adoption of Ordinance 21-2018 on October 10, 2018.  The effective date of Ordinance 21-2018 is October 24, 2018. Its regulations apply to all permits vested on, or after that date.  

The code reviser is in the process of updating the on-line code. Until this happens, please refer to Ordinance 21-2018 for updates to the following code sections:

  • 18.20.190 “S” definitions.
  • 18.50.020 General.
  • 18.50.140 Mitigation of adverse impacts to shoreline ecological functions.
  • 18.50.350 Hard and soft structural shoreline stabilization measures – General regulations.
  • 18.50.390 Soft structural shoreline stabilization design standards.
  • 18.50.420 Hard or soft shoreline stabilization measures – Additional submittal requirements.

This ordinance also included the adoption of a San Juan County Stormwater Watershed Boundary Map.