September 18, 25, October 2, 9, 23, 30, 7 – 9 p.m., Emmanuel Episcopal

— from Nancy Ayer —

In a dream, in a vision of the night,
when deep sleep falleth upon men,
in slumberings upon the bed:
Then he openeth the ears of men
and sealeth their instruction.
Job 33: 15, 16

When we sit in circle and share our dreams together we are tapping into an ancient healing practice which has, for the most part, been lost to time. Dream groups seek to revive this proven method of growing our knowledge of life and self. When we dream together we discover our inherent Oneness; we see that my dream is your dream and your dream is my dream.

  • Our dreams come only in service to our health and wholeness.
  • Dreams bring messages from our unconscious to our conscious minds
  • We have the power to change our dreams
  • Together our dreams can co-create a world that works for all

To sign up, email Nancy Ayer or call 360-376-4252. Group size is limited.