GCLogo —  by Jan Jacobsen —

The 2014 Annual Garden Tour Weekend is this Saturday and Sunday June 28 and 29, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Six (6!) knock-out gardens are ready for your viewing. From estate gardens to whimsical gardens, the common theme is “Garden Rooms.” This year’s gardens are certainly ones you don’t want to miss. Come and bring some friends. The $20 admission helps fund our presentations and grant program for the coming year.

Tickets available at https://www.brownpapertickets.com/brownpapertickets.com,  Darvill’s Bookstore, Crow Valley Pottery, Driftwood Nursery and Smith and Speed’s or you can buy a ticket at any of the gardens on the tour.

For more information about the garden tour, visit our website: https://www.orcasislandgardenclub.org/garden-tour.html