All Orcas kids and youth are invited to have fun making music together this winter with the Orcas Youth Chorus (grades 6-12) and Kids’ Chorus (grades 1-5).
The two choruses will meet for an 8-week winter session January-March, with a spring term to follow. Registration for the winter session is $50, and the Funhouse has scholarships available. Register for either group at FunhouseCommons.org, where there are links with more information about dates, holidays, etc.
The Kids’ Chorus, 1st-5th grades, meets Fridays at the Funhouse, 3:30-4:30 pm, Jan. 10-March 14, led by Mary Wachter, aka “Miss Mary”, an experienced musician who also teaches violin, ukulele, guitar, and beginner piano. The Funhouse is at 30 Pea Patch Lane in Eastsound, and Funhouse staff will escort participating public school students to the Funhouse after school.
The Orcas Youth Chorus, 6th-12th grades, starting again after a fall hiatus, meets Mondays at the Orcas Christian School Chapel, 107 Enchanted Forest Rd., 4-5 pm., Jan. 6-Mar. 10, and will be led by Terri Dundas and Andy Rivera. Ms. Dundas, a retired music teacher from Arizona who has directed youth choruses in the past, has lived on Orcas for several years, and is very excited about singing with the middle and high school groups and working with Mr. Rivera. Mr. Rivera, who has co-directed the Orcas Youth Chorus for several years, is an enthusiastic singer and guitarist who brings musical excitement to the group.
All Orcas students, whether in public or private school or homeschooled, are welcome to join the groups. Singing together is so much fun, and a group can make wonderful music that individual singers cannot achieve! About the Kids’ Chorus, which started meeting at the Funhouse this fall, Miss Mary says, “The elementary singers are all excited to re-enroll for the winter session! They have such beautiful voices and I love singing with them!”
The Orcas Youth Chorus and Kids’ Chorus are co-sponsored by Funhouse Commons, Orcas Choral Society, and the Music Advocacy Group, with generous community support. If you have any questions about either the Kids’ Chorus or the Youth Chorus, please contact Mary Wachter at mary@thefunhouse.org.
Photo: Mary Wachter leads the Kids’ Chorus at the tree lighting on the Eastsound Village Green, Dec. 6, 2024.
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