The Orcas Brass Quintet (from left), Craig Canine, Dimitri Stankevich, Molly Johnson, Steve Alboucq and Pat Muffet

Sunday, Dec. 18, at 2 p.m. at the Community Church

In the tradition of the Salvation Army’s kettle-ringer brass ensembles, five Orcas musicians have teamed up to play a selection of “Caroler’s Favorites” at the Community Church on Sunday, Dec. 18, at 2pm.  Everyone who enjoys classic Christmas music is welcome to come and sing along. (Song sheets will be provided).

Admission is by free-will contribution to the  Orcas Island Food Bank.

The five musicians, who are dubbing themselves the Orcas Brass Quintet for the occasion, are Steve Alboucq (trumpet), Pat Muffett (trumpet), Craig Canine (alto horn), Molly Johnson (trombone), and Dimitri Stankevich (tuba).

“I grew up singing these songs in church,” says Craig, the group’s organizer. “But I haven’t been to church in quite a while, and have missed singing carols at Christmas time. So this is the type of event I’ve often looked for around the holidays, but have rarely found—a chance to belt out a whole bunch of Christmas carols, and no sermon!”

Here’s your chance to enjoy some fine brass quintet music AND get in your yearly quotient of carol singing, all at the same time.

The group is also playing after lunch at the Senior Center on Friday, December 9, and will be doing Salvation Army-type brass “caroling” in the streets of Eastsound that afternoon.

For more information, contact:   Craig Canine, at or at 650-224-5117 (cell).