An engaging series for those new to Buddhism, seasoned practitioners, or those simply “Buddhist Curious” at Emmanuel Parish Hall. In each class, Rev. Susan Shannon will present the basic teachings of Buddhism in accessible and inclusive language and offer tools and perspectives to navigate our complex world skillfully.
Join Rev. Susan and Fr. Berto for lively and exploratory group discussions interpreting and integrating the essence of these teachings into your daily life, regardless of your faith path. Each session will include short meditations, teachings, handouts, and group discussions.
February 1st through March 8th, 11am-1:00pm
Consecutive attendance encouraged. Drop in optional. Free of charge. Donations welcome
Rev. Susan Shannon has been married to the dharma since the early 70s. An ordained Interfaith minister, her work is based in the fields of Social and Emotional Literacy and Restorative Justice. Before returning to Orcas, she served as the Buddhist chaplain in San Quentin State Prison’s Death Row. In 2019, she founded Buddhist Prison Ministry, now spreading Buddhist wisdom to thousands across the country. See more at www.chaplainoftheheart.com/ and www.buddhistprisonministry.com/.
Fr. Berto Gándara-Perea is the rector at Emmanuel Church. Born in Puerto Rico, Berto has served as a priest for 32 years in the Dominican Republic, Belgium, Spain, Puerto Rico, and Harlem in New York City before coming to Orcas in 2014. Berto is a lifelong learner, passionate about Christian mysticism, contemplative practices, and interreligious dialogue. Berto strongly believes in Hans Küng’s dictum: “No peace among the nations without peace among the religions. No peace among the religions without dialogue between the religions. No dialogue between the religions without investigation of the foundation of the religions.”
For more information email susanshannon108@gmail.com/ 206-424-1008
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